List for Cyber safety
1. Don't write your name, address, phone number, school or photos on your blog.
2. If you can see any bad language that hurt you, please tell the teacher or your parents.
3. When you see some bad or strange photos on the internet,
pelase tell the teacher or your parents.
4. Don't use any bad language on line.
5. If someone asks you money, ignore it.
6. If people say they give you money or presents, don't listen to them.
7. Even though you want to buy something, you must not tell
the detail of the credit cards or bank information.
8. If someone wants to meet you face-to-face, first you have to tell the teacher and your
parents. Any meeting that your teacher and parents not accompanied with you is not
댓글 1개:
Good suggestions. I also think the image is quite on target!
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