2011년 11월 13일 일요일
My Animoto about Endangered Species
Make your own slideshow at Animoto.
I made the digital story about Endangered Species in Animoto. Nowadays many animals are endangered. They need our help and I want to teach this to my future students because I want them to make better world for our sons and daughters.
Actually I made over 20 scenes but for free version I can use only 30 seconds so it didn't be showed at the end. However at the end, I wrote some sentences like, "You might not see these animal soon. Please help them."
I think this kind of tool would be very powerful because if the students could see that visually because young students are very used to this kind of tool. After we watched this digital story, we can talk about the endangered species and we can discuss how we can help them. Also we can search what the reason for this disaster. For the post activity, the students can make their own animoto about how they can help them and other endangered speices or our country's endangered speices. I think this can be very helpful for their educational goal and improving their language skills and vocaburaries.
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Your idea of having the students make their own shows is a good one. There are many other tools similar to Animoto. You may find one which allows you more free time.
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