2011년 11월 16일 수요일

How can I use ePaL in my future teaching?

I think the most useful thing in ePaL program and an idea on how I could use this program are giving the opportunities for the students to improve and practice their second and foreign language in several ways.
Students need to and desire to communicate, collaborative and use computer. I think e-PaLs is satisfying these needs. In this program has projects and collaboration sections. First, in projects section, there are some projects can share the students' ideas. I want to make my students participate in this projects. This can be a good writing lesson for them because we need readers when we write something. If the students can write their idea in the forum, they can practice their writings in the meaningful way.
Second, using the collaborate section, teacher forum, I will find the right groups who can exchange emails and exchange feedback for my students. If students can send and receive emails from other students, especially from other countries, it would be an interesting experience.
Third, I can help my students' independent learning using this program. In this program, there is In2Books. Student can be matched with one adult and then the students choose the book and discussed about the book with the adult through online penpals. I think this can be an big help for my students to improve their reading and writing skills.
In EFL situation, the student needs more chances to practice their target language. This kind of program is very much learner-centered program and it can expand their parts of learning outside the classroom in authentic ways.

댓글 1개:

Maryanne :

You have some very good ideas for using this site to increase your students' foreign language skills. I hope you get to try out some of these ideas in the future.