2011년 9월 16일 금요일
Technology can be a solution for your SLA!
Learning a second language can be difficult for learners if the language input is not sufficient.
Almost everyone has had experiences of difficulties to learn or teach second language. To learn the new language, we should be provided enough input.
Robert J. Blake( 2008, Brave New Digital Classroom Technology and Foreign Language Learning) said in his book that "Comprehendid input is one of the basic cornerstones of current SLA theories." To reach the goal(usaually communicative goal) of the second language, we have to be exposed by many materials and environmet for second language aqusition. However preparing many materials can be burden for second laguage teachers. Robert suggested us technology can be a good way to give input for their SLA.
The most impressive part in this books is in page 9. He explained various kinds of technological platforms to assist language learning; the web, CD-Rom or hypermedia applications, and network-based communication.
I think web can be a good tool for the students to expericence the world and the culture of the target language. According to his book, he said that "The web offers a variety of authentic target-language resources; a virtual trip to Peru, a guided bicycle trip to Satiago de Compostela, and a wine guide for la Rioja, the murals of Orozco, to name only a few examples of Spanish...". Though the web, the students can get tons of authentic materials, nowadyas they don't have to go the country and this means even though they are not in condition for going to the target language country, they can have experience the world. In the past, people who learn about the other country, they only can read but nowadays they can see, read and talk through the web. What a wonderful invention! I think if we can use this techonology for our learning, we can get many advantages.
In the futuer, I think the teachers who don't use technology in their language teaching can have difficulties in their career. Like Rober cited in his book(page 14), "Teachers who use techonlogy will probably replace teachers who do not (Clifford 1987, 13)".
Therefore the teachers have to be used to utilize the technology for their language teaching. Even though we are not a professional users, we have to try our best to do this because the students have intrests for this technology methods.Also they have to find out which materialas are good for their students and how we can use and organize those effectively in their class.
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Yes, the Internet can provide learners with lots of input and it is the job of the teacher to guide students to sites where the input will be comprehensible and suitable for their learning.
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