How can Social networking group
help you as a language teacher?
Social networking is quite amazing tool for language teachers. IT can connect us with other teachers and from that it can help each other and make us get useful information from that.
Ning service is very famous one that provides free social community for everyone.
I am very interested in this group, "Teacher 2.0".
In this group, I can find every material when we teach various subjects as an EFL teachers.
There are many useful sections in this site such as "Teach/Learn/Play/Read/Video/Resources."
Each section has sub categories and each categories have tons of useful material. For example, in "TEACH section", I can enter in elemtary part and there I can find many good songs and stoires for EFL students. I thought if teachers knew this group site before they start teaching, they could save time to prepare for their classes.
Even though we study hard individually, we might be a good teacher but we can't be an excellent teacher. However even though we are not good teachers, if we knew this group, we can be an excellent teacher!
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I think you have chosen a very useful group.
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